Mário David about the election of the new Barroso Commission

Mário David about the election of the new Barroso Commission

“The new Barroso Commission was approved by the European Parliament by a large majority! I obviously also voted for it. And did it in a committed, conscious and trustful way.

 And did it because the new College of the Commissioners has an excellent curricula and a vast experience, a bigger political capacity and offers guarantees to face the big challenges of the European Union in a firm way:

 From the financial serious crisis that we are living today, to its dramatic social and economic effects, specially unemployment;

Security and the anti/terrorism combat;

The reinforcement of the role of Europe in the world, which means real pro-active European Security and Defense Policy;

The fight against climate changes and the competitiveness of our economy, always defending our social model;

The realistic and ambitious program that Barroso presented and that our Parliament approved will finally be implemented for the benefit of the 500 million European citizens

We wish the President of the European Commission and its team good luck and an excellent mandate in the leadership of this unique Union in the history of Humanity!"