Maria da Graça Carvalho will participate in the Ministerial Conference on Horizon 2020 and in the Informal Council meeting in Copenhagen

Maria da Graça Carvalho will participate in the Ministerial Conference on Horizon 2020 and in the Informal Council meeting in Copenhagen

Tomorrow at the informal Council Meeting, Ms Carvalho will give a key note speech on Horizon 2020. The speech will follow those of Marie Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research and Innovation and Johannes Hann, Commissioner for Regional Policy and Annette Schavan, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany.

Maria da Graça Carvalho believes that the proposal of the European Commission for Horizon 2020 is a "well balanced and well thought out proposal, one that will generate growth and jobs. Research and innovation are the motor for economic growth; therefore more financing in these areas will help solve the European crisis". The MEP was responsible for the simplification of the European programmes for research and innovation, which was adopted in plenary in November 2010.

Last week, at the Industry, Research and Energy committee meeting of the European Parliament, the Danish Minister of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Morten Østergaard, said that Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation framework programme for 2014-2020, "is a key legislative priority, for the Danish EU Presidency. In these challenging times, the Commission proposal is the right way to strengthen research and innovation in order to create growth and jobs".

The Ministerial Conference on 1 February 2012 is dedicated to political discussions between European research ministers and key global and European stakeholders. The informal Competitiveness Council meeting on 2 February 2012 will focus on the discussion of the three most important recurring themes associated with Horizon 2020. Three workshops will address the key issues of 1) complementarities with other EU programmes, 2) simplification and the way forward and 3) innovation and bridging the valley of death.

At the Competitiveness Council meeting on 21 February 2012 the Presidency will report back on the discussions and conclusions. In March or April 2012 there will be an informal policy seminar on Horizon 2020 in the European Parliament organised jointly between the Danish Presidency, the European Parliament and with Commission participation. The last discussion during the Danish Presidency on Horizon 2020 will take place at the Competitiveness Council meeting on 30 and 31 May 2012, hopefully with partial agreement as to how best to proceed as an end result.